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SIPS Labor Comparison Study
RS Means, the leader in construction data, conducted a study to compare the labor cost difference between standard wood construction and SIPs.
RSMeans cost data was used to benchmark the time and cost for erecting conventionally framed stud walls, roofs, and dormers using exterior sheathing and fiberglass batt insulation. Rough wiring costs were benchmarked in a similar manner.
The data generated from the Time & Motion Studies showed that utilizing SIPs reduced installation time for this project by 130 labor hours. When compared to RSMeans labor hours for a conventionally framed home, this is equivalent to time savings of approximately 55 percent.
The data generated from the Time & Motion Studies showed that utilizing SIPs reduced installation time for this project by 130 labor hours. When compared to RSMeans labor hours for a conventionally framed home, this is equivalent to time savings of approximately 55 percent.
It is a major OOPS not to look at all aspects of labor putting together the structural shell and all the construction details.
Call 920-889-0021
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